Friday, May 9, 2008

An End-of-Year Checklist

Most advisers have an “end of the year list” they depend on to check off things to be done before summer really begins. I hope your list includes these IHSPA items:

4Newspaper Harvey entries due June 6 (almost a week later than usual)

4Plans to attend the 2008 IHSPA “Convergention” at Franklin College, October 16-17.

4A Newspaper Harvey cover letter description and registration forms can be downloaded from the IHSPA Web site by clicking HERE or you can find the same forms by clicking the “Membership/Forms” button on the left side of the IHSPA Home Page.

Remember: Submissions should be limited to one entry per school per category.

For the first time, we are requesting that a CD of all the entries be submitted in addition to tear sheets so that winning entries can be posted and shared through other media with the best quality possible. This is a transition year for this request, so if you can’t send entries in both forms that is okay; but we appreciate the effort to make this improvement for sharing the best work of our students.

4We’re playing with the word “Convergention” for the IHSPA fall conference after reading the feedback from last year’s event. We think advisers and students will appreciate the tweaking to keep traditional favorites such as on-site contests and publication critiques as we add “coffee with a pro” and longer workshop opportunities in an effort to help staffs converge new ideas and technology.

Specific convention materials will be mailed at the end of the summer, but we hope you will reserve the Oct. 16-17 as an opportunity for your staff to elevate the enthusiasm of a new year.

Please report changes in contact information as we start posting the membership directory on the IHSPA Web site to help IHSPA “go green,” use financial resources most efficiently, and provide updated information.

I look forward to attending several schools’ publications banquets over the next couple of weeks. I hope you can all find time to enjoy some of the moments of celebration as the year concludes.

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