Friday, October 24, 2008

Catch Convention Highlights Online

We plan for so long, and it passes so quickly.

I’m sure the IHSPA board agrees that there just wasn’t enough quality time to visit with several hundered students and colleagues at the annual convention at Franklin College last week.

Those who were unable to attend are invited to see photos from the event and learn more about a variety of activities including a First Amendment license plate initiative by the Lake Central High School Publication Department. Slide shows, Hoosier Star winners, judge's commentary, Harvey winners and On-Site winners are all featured on the IHSPA Web site so don't miss the opportunity to review these highlights.

Advisers will want to access information about the new Journalism Career Pathway from either the Department of Education or IHSPA Web sites.

We have appreciated e-mail feedback from several people already, but we hope you also will complete an on-line survey. Many of the changes that people liked about this convention were suggestions from last year’s survey.

Mark calendars for the First Amendment Symposium on March 3 at the Indiana Statehouse. In the months between check out possibilities for regional workshops. J-Ideas and IHSPA have tentative plans for another Scholastic Partnership for advisers, administrators and editors in the Fort Wayne area at the end of November. Anyone interested in attending the Fort Wayne seminar or hosting one in another area of the state should contact Warren Watson, J-Ideas Director, ( or Diana Hadley (

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